When you wear tight pants, do you have any fat sitting on the edge of your pants—in other words, “muffin top fat”? I personally think muffin top fat is cute sometimes, but it bothers me depending on the clothes I want to wear, how much actual “muffin top fat” I have, or even how my mood is.
There are also many chances of my clients asking, “how to get rid of this?” by grabbing their “muffin top fat”
When my client asks me that or for whoever wanting to strengthen their lower body, I always recommend this exercise called “windmill”
Bodyweight windmill
- Starting position with your legs wider than your hip width. Pointing right toe forward and left toe at 45 degree open.
- Lift your right arm straight up.
Tips: Make sure this arm is up and keep that arm straight and vertical.
3. Slide down your upper body to your left side aligning to your left thigh and touch the floor if possible.
4. Then come back slowly to the original position.
Perform 12 repetition each side and do 3 sets.
Windmill with weight
- Starting position with your legs wider than your hip width. Pointing right toe forward and left toe at 45 degree open.
- Grab a dumbbell and lift your right arm straight up.
Tips: Make sure this arm is up and keep that arm straight and vertical. Start with a light weight. - Slide down your upper body to your left side aligning to your left thigh and touch the floor if possible.
- Then come back slowly to the original position.
Perform 12 repetition each side and do 3 sets.
Windmill with weight might challenge your arms and shoulders. Please start from light weight to avoid any risk of injury especially in your shoulders.